We just finished watching Charlotte's Web as we wound up our family night. The movie ends with an incredible song by Sarah McLachlan called Ordinary Miracles.
The song got me thinking about all of the ordinary miracles I have experienced today and the day isn't even over yet. Here is my list so far:
- Morning hugs with my kids, while their eyes are still half closed, and they have little creases on their cheeks, residuals from their slumber.
-Unexpected gifts of time - my husband informed me last night he didn't need to go into work and I could do whatever I wanted with the day.
-The Holy Eucharist (okay, so there isn't anything ordinary about it, but a miracle nonetheless) - I got to attend mass this morning in an effort to prepare my heart and mind for my husband's pending business trip.
- Butterflies - After mass I spent time browsing around the bookstore, walked around the garden, and sat in silent adoration for a bit. Now all of these things felt like incredible gifts, but the ordinary miracle in it all was watching two butterflies dancing among the flowers. Where are the miracles you may wonder? - the ability to fly, the call to transform into new life, the sweet nectar provided by the flowers, colorful wings in symmetrical patterns, and the fullness of life, no matter how shortly lived.
- Smiles - between strangers at the supermarket, shared among friends I encountered unexpectedly, on my husband and children's' faces.
- Flavorful food - the synergy effect is definitely true when it comes to my husband's cooking - the sum total of the whole is definitely greater than the sum of the individual parts. It is amazing how the combination of different ingredients and spices are miraculously transformed by his touch.
- This leads to the next on my list - eating a meal I didn't prepare!
- Excitement/Enthusiasm - Hearing my children recount the school days' news and all that awaits them throughout the coming year, while brimming with excitement and enthusiasm is pure joy!
- Family bike rides - being able to jump on five different vehicles, powered by our own muscles, and all head together in the same direction!
- Water - to drink, clean, and refresh the soul (in the form of a hot shower)
- Sleep - the ability of the body to grow, regenerate, and heal, all while sleeping - is our Creator awesome or what!
There are many more ordinary miracles to encounter tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day after that! Enjoy the song and composing your own list!